ArtStage 18 to host “Andrew Kilgore’s Photographs” in OctoberStage Eighteen will host a gallery reception and art exhibition of “Andrew Kilgore’s Photographs” at 18 E. Center St. in Fayettevil...byKody FordSep 24, 2018
EventsHot Spring’s hosts Spa-Con for third yearOver the weekend, Hot Springs, AR hosted its annual comic convention, Spa-Con, for the third year running. With cosplayers, celebrities, and...byCaleb PattonSep 23, 2018
EventsThe Idle Class Podcast: Pam GrierLegendary actress Pam Grier, known for her work in blaxploitation cinema, Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brow, The L Word and much more, g...byKody FordSep 22, 2018
EventsBlack Apple Awards, diverse fashion shows kick off NWA Fashion WeekWORDS / YANI KO Designers in the mainstream fashion industry are often criticized for failing to represent the diversity of their own consum...byKody FordSep 21, 2018
FashionThe Idle Class Podcast: Rosie Rose In this episode, we chat with 2018 Black Apple Favorite Fashion Designer winner, Rosie Rose about her work and creative process. She is a...byKody FordSep 18, 2018
PodcastTHE IDLE CLASS PODCAST: The Frank Stanford Literary FestivalIn this week’s episode, we chat with Molly Rector & Bailey Hutchinson of the Open Mouth Reading Series. On September 21-22, 2018, ...byKody FordSep 17, 2018
ArtMath and Art meet with, CurvahedraCurvahedra takes beautiful and esoteric geometry and puts it into your hands. Drawing on obscure mathematical concepts, Dr. Edmund Harriss, ...byCaleb PattonSep 16, 2018
WritingJennifer Case releases her book, Sawbill: A Search for PlaceJennifer Case, author and poet, recently released her first full novel, Sawbill: A Search for Place. In it, she tells the story of Sawbill L...byCaleb PattonSep 15, 2018
Etc.The Idle Class Podcasts: Matt Buell of M. Buell Design We spoke with award-winning furniture maker Matt Buell of M. Buell Design about his journey from a substance abuse counselor to being one o...byKody FordSep 15, 2018
ArtFenix Gallery to host “Influences, a Show of Muses and Other Sources of Impact”Fenix Fayetteville artists present Influences, a show of muses and other sources of impact. The concept is to engage the viewer into a deepe...byKody FordSep 14, 2018