Olivia Trimble

Ozark Beer Co. has commissioned Fayetteville artist Olivia Trimble to paint a series of iconic walls in Northwest Arkansas over the coming year. The first wall, Dickson St. Liquor’s west-facing wall on Dickson St. is the first painting, beginning 2/9/17 with a base coat of black.

Over the weekend Trimble will trace the design of Ozark Beer Company’s Elk logo, prominently featured on their American Pale Can onto the wall. “Were creating signs that will last a hundred years,” says Trimble, whose work gained national attention late last year after her #RepaintHate campaign went viral, inspiring artists around the country to replace hateful graffiti with positive and loving messages.   Trimble creates intricate works of her own, and is a well-respected sign painter for some of Northwest Arkansas’ most iconic brands.

The elk logo itself was created for Ozark Beer Co. by the dynamic Fayetteville arthouse BLK BOX Labs as one of four designs that draw from Ozark themes. The group has produced additional art for Ozark Beer Co. featuring an elk, a red-tailed hawk, a bear and bison.   The goal of the commission is to place each of these striking designs on walls throughout NWA over several months to a year. Next week, Trimble will climb into a scissor lift and paint the historic building that will be OBC’s new home in downtown Rogers.

Dickson St. Liquor has long been one of the most prominent liquor stores in NWA, and was one of the first companies to put their faith in the young Ozark Beer Co.

“A couple years ago, we were filling each can by hand and DSL and a few others took us on,” says Marty Shutter, art director for OBC. “They quickly grew to be one of our biggest accounts and with their help, our pale ale made it much farther out of the brewery than it had before, introducing us to so many new people.”

On Friday, Feb. 10 around noon, OBC will be on hand at Dickson St. Liquor sampling two of their newest beers and celebrating the beginning of their newest artistic endeavor as Trimble transforms a portion of the wall outside.