Bottle Rocket Gallery will host an opening reception at 7 p.m. Aug. 30 for Ginny Sims, whose work will show at the gallery until Sept. 30.  Bottle Rocket is located at 1495 Finger Road in Fayetteville. The event is free and open to the public.

Sims’ work is based in traditional forms, such as the Buncheong wares of Korea, and also incorporates narrative and literary allusions. She was born and raised in Little Rock, and has established a successful career as a ceramic artist based in Minneapolis, Minn., where she teaches at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Recently, she has been awarded a 2013 Jerome Ceramic Artists Project Grant.

Tusk and Trotter will provide Charcuterie at the event, and Pink House Alchemy will provide drinks. She will also give an artist talk at the University of Arkansas Department of Art Fine Arts Center at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 28.

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