Artist’s Laboratory Theatre Set to Host All You Need to Know Show: MEDICINE

Come out to The Lab, the home for the Artist’s Laboratory Theatre on April 16 , for another live taping of Sunday Night Service, a performance series recorded live and aired on KUAF 91.3 Public Radio. The next show is “The All You Need to Know Show: MEDICINE.” The show starts at 7 PM. The Lab is located at 1030 S. College Ave. in South Fayetteville (across from the Senior Center). The show is free and open to all ages. Parking is available across the street and at Walker park.
“The All You Need to Know Show” is an “informational variety show” that explores chosen themes through performances of songs, monologues, poetry, and an interview with an expert on the topic. The show hosts, Morgan Hicks and Elliott James, will tell you all you need to know about “Medicine with the help of the talented artists of Northwest Arkansas. This month’s show will feature actors, poets, musicians, and Medicine expert. This month’s show will feature storyteller Harrison Butler from “That’s What She Says,” storyteller Vicky Taylor Penny from “Stories from the South;” poets Joe Pen and Houston Hughes and more local artists exploring the topic through song, monologues, and “expert” advice.
“The All You Need to Know Show,” a themed vaudeville/ trivia/ talk show, is a part of Sunday Night Service —a performances series also featuring “Singled Out,” a musical show in interview format that features the individuals of favorite local bands. A thirty-minute version of the live shows air on Sundays on 91.3 KUAF Public Radio at 7 PM.