Favorite Guilty Pleasure Food? 

Cincinnati Style Chili Dogs. I was born a yankee and did a stint in Ohio where this unusual chili phenomenon exists. It’s a cinnamon, paprika and oregano spiced meat sauce, served on a short coney hot dog or over spaghetti noodles, and garnished with red beans, fine shredded cheddar, minced onion and oyster crackers…and then drowned in hot sauce. It must be what crack is like. 


Guilty Pleasure Song?

(Anything by) Enya… So soothing. I thought everyone loved Enya, however my wife informed me that I might be misinformed on that assumption. 


Guilty Pleasure TV Show? 

“Night Court.”For anyone watching TV in the 90s, this is a nostalgic guilty pleasure. Currently I don’t watch a lot of shows, even though there are now thousands available, most of which seem like they could be someone’s guilty pleasure .


Guilty Pleasure Bad Movie?

“Waterworld.” Love it. Hate it. I get it. It’s not great. But I have a soft spot for futuristic, post-apocalyptic, dystopian styles movies, especially where Kevin Costner has limited lines.