FilmFILM REVIEW: Little Accidents“Little Accidents” Dir. by Sara Colangelo Guilt hangs over the the West Virginia town at the center of Sara Colangelo’s Li...byKody FordMay 16, 2014
FilmFILM REVIEW: “Fishtail”“Fishtail” Dir. by Andrew Renzi Fishtail, the new documentary from Andrew Renzi, has all of the makings of a dull, ponderous fil...byKody FordMay 16, 2014
FilmFILM REVIEW: “A Night in Old Mexico”“A Night in Old Mexico” Dir. by Emilio Aragon Robert Duvall is a goddamn national treasure, and for that reason alone A Night in...byKody FordMay 16, 2014
FilmFILM REVIEW: “Actress”WORDS / LANCE ST. LAURENT Ed. Note: The 2014 Little Rock Film Festival brought a variety of films – local, domestic and internationa...byKody FordMay 15, 2014
FilmFILM REVIEW: “The Heart Machine”WORDS / LANCE ST. LAURENT Ed. Note: The 2014 Little Rock Film Festival brought a variety of films – local, domestic and internationa...byKody FordMay 15, 2014
FilmFILM REVIEW: “To Kill a Man”WORDS / LANCE ST. LAURENT Ed. Note: The 2014 Little Rock Film Festival brought a variety of films – local, domestic and internationa...byKody FordMay 15, 2014
FilmReview: “Before I Disappear” WORDS / LANCE ST. LAURENT With the exception of the manic pixie dream girl, there is no more obnoxiously pervasive cliche in American indep...byKody FordMay 14, 2014
FilmREVIEW: “Happy Valley”WORDS / LANCE ST. LAURENT As with previous years’ fests, the eighth annual Little Rock Film Festival kicked off with a bang. Happy Valley,...byKody FordMay 14, 2014
FilmThe Little Rock Film Festival brings Hollywood to the River MarketWORDS / ANDREW MCCLCAIN Over the last few years, The Little Rock Film Festival has seen its star rise to become a top tier festival often sh...byKody FordMay 12, 2014