GUILTY PLEASURES: Matt Cooper | The Preacher’s Son

Favorite Guilty Pleasure Food?
Cinnamon rolls. Being gluten-free, I don’t get them much anymore unless I make them, but there is something so satisfying about them. Probably because my mother would make them for us only on special occasions, which turned out more often because we would complain until we got them.
Guilty Pleasure Song?
Anything ’80s from Tina Turner, Meatloaf, Heart, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, Cher. This music just resonates with me. Seems there was so much soul then. It’s also what we play in the kitchen when it’s my turn for the music.
Guilty Pleasure TV Show?
“American Pickers.” My wife and I zone out to it because we love all- things-old from trucks, motorcycles, etc. just wish they found more old knives.
Guilty Pleasure Bad Movie?
The original “Highlander” with Christopher Lambert was awesome and I still watch it when I see it. Other than that, you can’t go wrong with Ladyhawke as well with Matthew Broderick, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rudger Hauer, and anything fantasy, sci-fi with vampires, werewolves etc. “Krull” was another great “bad movie.” I love these movies because life crazy and full of drama everyday when I watch a movie I want to be transported somewhere else. It’s that childlike mysticism that we should keep with us.