Arkansas Arts Center to hold annual Museum School Sale

The Arkansas Arts Center, the state’s premiere center for visual and performing arts with a renowned collection of international art, will host its annual Museum School Sale on Saturday, November 14, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year’s event will feature nearly 100 local artists at a new and larger location: Hall of Industry, Arkansas State Fairgrounds (2600 Howard Street, Little Rock).
“The Museum School Sale is a great opportunity to support local artists while stocking up on unique holiday items or adding to your personal art collection,” said Arkansas Arts Center Executive Director Todd Herman. “We’re looking forward to hosting the Museum School Sale at the recently renovated Arkansas State Fairgrounds. The change of venue allows us more space to feature more artists.”
To match the growing trend of earlier holiday shopping, the Museum School Sale date has also been moved up to two weeks prior to Thanksgiving, November 14.
Current Arkansas Arts Center Museum School faculty and students will offer a variety of original, one-of-a-kind items including pottery, jewelry, fused glass, paintings, woodwork, photography, drawings and pastels. There is something for every design aesthetic and every budget.
Become a member of the Arkansas Arts Center and attend the special members-only preview for the sale on Friday, November 13, from 6-9 p.m. at the Hall of Industry. Arkansas Arts Center members will be able to view and purchase items before the sale opens to the public on Saturday, November 14. Light hors d’oeuvres and libations will be served. Members must present their membership card at the door for entry, and memberships will be available for purchase at the door.
Admission is free. Cash and checks are accepted, and ATMs are available; some artists may accept credit cards. Free, secure parking. For more information, visit or call 501-372-4000.
Some of the featured artists include AAC Resident Artist Julia Baugh, Kelly Edwards, Mia Hall, Mike Jones, Jacquelyn Kaucher, Sarah Smith, Donnell Williams and Miranda Young.
Also participating are Gary Alexander, Janet Armour, Shane Baskins, Lauren Bellomy, Selma Blackburn, Frank Blair, Brenda Booth, Cindi Booth, Kathleen Bradley, Paula Brewster, Suzanne Brugner, Catherine Caldwell, Carole Canino, Oksana Cartwright, John Chapman, Carla Churchwell, Sharon Coussens, Nicole Cowdery, Patty Criner, Angela Cummings, Jacqueline Currie, Lois Davis, Martha Derocher, David Dodson, Phyllis Edwards, Sarah Falasco, Linda Fletcher, Lacy Fraiser, Jeannie Fry, Gary Fults, Mary Garrett, Vijay Gondhalekar, Sandra Graham, Jann Greenland, Karen Hamilton, Wade Hankins, Mary Nancy Henry, Patricia Holifield, Susan Hurst, Sarah Mendel Johnson, Burke Johnston, Bryan Kellar, Cheryl Kellar, Carol Keys, Martha Kiley, Lyndia Louthian, Elaine Luber, Katherine Lusardi, Beth Mason, Brandy Thomason McNair, Barbara Middleton, Patricia Monoson, Jean Mross, Daniella Napolitano, Melissa Orsini, Lydia Palasota, Sally Patterson, Douglas Pearce, Linda Pneuman, Debbie Poe, Delia Prather, Cheryl Pride, Laurie Smith Prud’homme, Bernard Quell, Catherine Rodgers, Andrea Sandage, Susan Santa Cruz, Dee Schulten, Artis Selby, Scotty Shively, Sigrun Simons-Rank, Francine Skotko, Ginny Smith, Cathryn Slater, Dean Stanfield, Jane Stout, Gertrude Tara-Casciano, Allie Thompson, Laura Anne Warren, Benjamin Watson, Peggy Wenger, Lyn Whaley, Daphyne Williams and Sherry Williamson.
The AAC Museum School Sale is sponsored by Martha Logue. Artist hospitality carts provided by the Fine Arts Club of Arkansas.
Contact: 501-372-4000
Location: Arkansas Arts Center – 9th and Commerce, Little Rock, AR 72202
Gallery Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Closed Monday & Major Holidays
1 comment
Don’t miss this fun event! Nice settings, holiday music, food, intermingling with local artists and chance to find a few original things for a gifts – this annual event became a holiday itself!