THE MEN ABOUT TOWN: 3B Radio keeps it local & lively in Northwest Arkansas

If you’ve adjusted a radio in Northwest Arkansas between the hours of 3 pm and 7 pm anytime in the last few years, chances are you’ve heard “3B Radio” on 104.9 The X. Hosts Branden, Bailey and Bobbitt (hence “3B”) entertain listeners every weekday afternoon with a variety show.
They got their start doing a morning show called “The AMX” for several years on 104.9 FM. In total, they’ve been on the air for almost a decade and they are currently one of the most listened to radio shows in the area.
Branden Lee is the “B” with the most traditional radio background and he was also the first to work at The X. Over time he brought in his friends Chris Bobbitt and Bailey Mendenhall and the show evolved organically from there. A great deal of the show involves extemporaneous discussion of interesting news items and current events.
“After 10 years of hosting on the daily, it comes naturally to me,” Branden says. “I do, however, take mental and smartphone notes of news, events and silly things that happen in my daily adventures that our listeners can relate to, or at least get a laugh from, and I know the guys are gathering the material in the same way so when we show up we have a pretty good idea of where we are going to go for the day. We like to be in the moment.”
On most days, Branden would rate this discussion “PG-13.” Bailey agrees: “I’d like to think our listeners love ‘3B’ because we’re honest and not afraid to talk about the nitty-gritty. I’ve heard some people refer to us as not being kid-friendly. I take issue with this because I think we’re absolutely kid-friendly. I’d hate to think those people are under the assumption that kids today aren’t all over the Internet seeing the worst of what the world has to offer. In comparison, I’d say we’re pretty safe for the kids. What we try to do is find the humorous side to everything in life. The world is a funny and tragic place. You can get bogged down in the tragedy or you can take the time to find humor in the world. I prefer the latter myself.”
Although the men of “3B Radio” started off as employees of Butler Broadcasting (the company that owns 104.9 the X), they have long since incorporated into their own business and now air on 104.9 as contractors. Among other things, this means they’re responsible for soliciting their own sponsors and often create the advertising spots themselves.
According to Bailey, “Branden is absolutely the production guru of ‘3B’ so if I have an idea in my head, he knows how to make it sound good in a commercial format,” Bailey said. “Most of our commercials come as a result of an absurd idea or a situation we think is funny. If it makes us laugh, we figure it will make others laugh as well. That’s our goal, really. We want to make unique advertising that is often humorous and will attract attention.”
In addition to running a successful business for themselves, they also use the show to help out the community. “3B Radio” frequently features interviews with and performances from local music acts. “I think all three of us have a passion for music and are fortunate to be in an area with many talented bands and singer/songwriters,” says Bobbitt. Additionally, “3B Radio” strives to help out local nonprofits on a regular basis. “I want to help Northwest Arkansas, so I am passionate about any local charity,” Branden says.
Like most media, the radio business is changing rapidly due to technological advances and shifts in the way people choose to consume information. Naturally this has had an impact on “3B Radio.”
“Let’s put it this way, if we just did the radio show, we probably would not last,” Branden says. “Social media is a huge part of it now. Our podcast on iTunes (“3B Radio”) is very popular, with thousands of downloads around the globe this year alone! I’ve been told for over a decade now that radio won’t last. That might be true, but the show must go on.”
Bailey says the show now focuses on its mobile listeners who can access “3B Radio” on their smartphones and tablets through the web, social media and mobile apps like TuneIn Radio. “No longer are we restricted to the airwaves or personal desktop computers,” Bailey says. “That has made us really competitive with satellite radio because now we’re mobile, we’re local and most importantly, we’re free. Now we have the opportunity to reach places we never could have gone when we started over eight years ago.”
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