New local show showcases the benefits of cannabis

Say, man, you got a way to get educated on medicinal marijuana? It’d be a lot cooler if you did. The first episode of The Green Zone TV, a new education series that spotlights ganja for medicinal purposes will air at 4:20 p.m. Friday on Fayetteville Public Television, American Cannabis Television, the Bulldozer Health Channel on YouTube, and the channel’s Facebook page.
The Green Zone TV, or TGZ for short, features activism, art, science, expertise, and community involvement to “spread the truth about cannabis medicine,” according to a press release. The first four episodes are “mythbuster episodes,” and the first episode will feature two local and esteemed physicians to dispel common misconceptions about medicinal use.
Wendy Love Edge, self-proclaimed disabled survivor of the U.S healthcare system, formed Bulldozer Health Channel to raise awareness about health options and alternative healthcare, which led to the start of TGZ.
Topher Kogen, a local poet, comedian, FPTV member, acts as sidekick to Love Edge, participates in street segments where the dynamic duo asks community members their thoughts. And keep your eyes peeled for a public service announcement from Corey Hunt, Illegally Healed’s co-founder, and an original music video at the end of the episode by musician and artist Jori Costello.
For more information and the latest escapades, follow @thegreenzonetv on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. All right, all right, all right.