Showers Don’t Stop the Shouts for Niall Horan

Torrential downpour over concert goers at the Walmart AMP Wednesday night did not stop the energy for “The Show: Live on Tour” performance from Niall Horan.
The sold out amphitheater kept the Irish singer smiling throughout his set as he played his colorful show sets, the lights just as bright as his smile.
Following a set from Del Water Gap, a solo project of Brooklhyn songwriter and producer S. Holden Jaffe, known for his viral song “Ode to a Conversation,” a taupe curtain came down with a more dramatic flair, projections shining onto the fabric to create the visual transition of officially welcoming the audience to The Show for one night only.
Rising from the ground to reveal Horan and his band, the screams of excitement rose with it to the sound of “Nice to Meet Ya.” The lead single from his second studio album “Heartbreak Weather” filled the crowd with strong dynamics from across the stage.

The fiery, upbeat anthem set the stage for the following songs’ mash-up of “Small Talk” and Stevie Nicks’ “Edge of Seventeen” that was paired with the increasingly intensifying rain that came overhead. Thankfully it was not enough to drown out the excitement from the crowd.
The setlist consisted of a mix of his albums, with the majority played from his latest release “The Show” and “Heartbreak Weather.” This highlighted his more pop and rock feel, with a few off his debut solo album “Flicker” that brought more of a folk style to his sound.
Horan was extremely enthusiastic and thankful to the audience as he sat down to play the piano for some of his slower tracks, claiming throughout the show how thankful and taken aback he was. Going so far as to say he had goosebumps and that the Rogers, Arkansas show would be one they performers remember forever.
He did more than just speak to the crowd; he interacted with them, reading signs and coming down to take photos with fans. Those small interactions made his performance thrilling.
The anticipation for this show was felt throughout the shouts and screams, from fans who bought tickets nearly a year ago to those finally seeing him for the first time since the start of One Direction in 2010.
Horan paid tribute to the start of his music career, adding“Stockholm Syndrome” to the encore, which brought some audience members to the floor as it touched their hearts to hear him go back to his roots.
Despite some past opinions, Horan is a strong live performer. He is consistently singing or dancing on stage, and is obviously extremely grateful for his audience. These qualities make for an impactful and engaging performance that will surely continue to grow his career as he continues to tour.