Martin Balsam Needs Money 4 Art Supplies

Martin Balsam is the creator behind Nobody Support Art, an organization about supporting artists and encouraging them to follow their dreams of creating art.
Balsam explained that Arkansas is not an ideal place to be a working artist, as the community hasn’t been very supportive of people who want to make a living as an artist. He wants to go someplace he could be more successful using his talents, but he also wants to make his mark on Arkansas and the artists here.
Balsam began his art career about three years ago, and said that about a year ago he decided to create Nobody Support Art out of want to do “something bigger.” He enjoys many forms of art: drawing, painting, graphic design, photography, music, and even cutting hair.
“A lot of people are scared to believe in themselves,” Balsam said. “I want to help change that.”
On Balsam’s Facebook page, he explains why he made the decision to live homeless. It isn’t because he doesn’t want to adapt to paying bills, getting married, or having kids, he writes, but because he wants to follow his dream of being an artist.
“I don’t have anyone helping me, but I’ve always been skilled at bringing people together,” he said. “My experience with being homeless really opened my eyes when it came to finding my style for creating and expressing that emotion to relate to others.”
Balsam is all about using art in day-to-day life; he says he is uninterested in anything unless creativity is involved.
“Art is more than painting on a canvas, it’s more about creating the journey,” Balsam said.
Balsam can be found on Facebook @needmoney4artsupplies and on Instagram @Martin_Balsam. He sells shirts and stickers so people can show their support for him and other working artists.