Call for Artists for 2023 Art Moves Outdoor Art Exhibition in Hot Springs

The Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance has issued a call for artists for the fourth annual Art Moves outdoor art exhibition set to open during the annual 10-day art festival, Arts & The Park, which will be held April 28 – May 7, 2023. The theme for the 2023 festival and for the Art Moves Exhibition is “Art & Soul”, which will focus on art as a tool for the artist. Art Moves “Art & Soul” will celebrate the varied ways artists use their work for self-expression, as a method of communication, or as a window into their soul.
Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance, the City of Hot Springs Art Advisory Committee and Hot Springs Parks and Trails collectively produce the annual Art Moves outdoor exhibition which is made up of paintings, drawings, and/or photographs reproduced onto metal panels. Plans for 2023 include expanding the exhibit, which has been displayed along the Hot Springs Creek Greenway Trail for the past 3 years, to include an additional Hot Springs City Park next year.
Artists are asked to submit works that are self-reflective, offer insight as to how they use their art to communicate something about themselves, or as a tool to express emotion, communication, healing, etc. A panel of jurors will select up to 25 works of art from the submissions to be reproduced onto metal for this outdoor exhibition. The exhibition will open during the festival, but will remain up throughout the year with a QR code affixed to the frame to provide information about the artist, artwork and exhibition. The deadline for entry is January 13. Interested artists can visit
The Hot Springs Area Culture Alliance is a non-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate, advocate, and promote the arts in Hot Springs, Arkansas. For more information about this opportunity visit please visit or email
Featured Image: Artist Kimiara Johnson with “New Orleans Matrimony En Arkansas”